For additional information call: 086 163 6840

Our field of Expertise

  • Management Consulting
  • Administration Services
  • Distribution Services through our network
  • Governance and Compliance
  • Accounting and Financial Management
  • Product Development
  • Training & Development
  • Provision for healthcare
  • Short term products (personal lines and commercial)
  • Full administration services of Sick Benefit Societies
  • Bond cover
  • Life cover, disability and dread disease
  • Income replacement products
  • Retirement funding for individuals and groups
  • Post-retirement funding
  • Investments (local and offshore)
  • Education policies
  • Funeral cover
  • Gap cover
  • Financial Needs analysis
Eminent Wealth acknowledges the importance of best practice partnerships in conducting our business on a Global scale and by giving recognition to our Partners who ensure that Eminent enjoys world-class products and service. Our unique associate network model allows us to effectively and cost- efficiently manage any project requirement and by aligning ourselves with these strategic partners Eminent has access to a wealth of expertise, services and products that our clients can also benefit from.